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丽莎E. 麦金托什,注册会计师

莫非斯堡 and Mt. 朱丽叶 Managing Director
(615) 889-1153

Lisa is the 莫非斯堡 and Mt 朱丽叶 Office Managing Director.  她获得中田纳西州立大学工商管理学士学位.  她有超过30年的公共会计经验,包括认证, financial reporting and 税.  She was the audit partner of Gillette, Henderson & Company, PLLC prior to the firm’s joining Blankenship CPA Group.  Her industry experience includes small business, 政府, 建设, employee benefit plans and not for profits.  She is a member of the AICPA and TSCPA.   She is active in the Mount 朱丽叶 Chamber of Commerce, 担任当地怀孕护理中心的财务主管,也是威尔逊银行社区委员会的成员.


(615) 546-6491

Bob Adams joined Blankenship CPA Group (BCPAG) in 2017.  Prior to joining BCPAG, Bob有几年的公共会计审计经验, 审查, 税, and business consulting services to clients in a variety of industries. 他的主要工作包括管理地方政府机构的审计, non-profit organizations, and closely-held businesses.  鲍勃在为公用事业(天然气)提供审计和咨询服务方面拥有丰富的经验和专业知识, 水, 和电动), city governments, and non-profit organizations.  他还为田纳西州的公用事业管理团体举办了教育研讨会. Bob毕业于西肯塔基大学,获得会计学学位.

Bob目前担任执行委员会的财务主管,并担任纳什维尔非营利组织Dismas Inc .的财务委员会主席. 他因为田纳西州中部的非营利组织服务而被评为2016年度公司志愿者.

Outside of Bob’s public accounting experience, 此前,他曾担任一家汽车拍卖公司的财务总监,负责监督会计和办公室运营.

Bob resides in Nolensville and is married with two children.

Professional and Civic Organizations

·         Dismas Inc of 纳什维尔, Executive Committee Board Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Committee

·         American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

·         Tennessee Society of CPA’s

·         Western Kentucky University Alumni Association

·         Tennessee Gas Association

·        Tennessee Association of Utility Districts

劳里米. 约翰逊,注册会计师

(615) 546-6488

As a native of Rockford, IL, 劳里毕业于罗克福德大学,获得会计学学士学位. 她在公共会计方面有30年的经验,与各种行业的客户合作. Early in her career, 劳瑞曾在伊利诺伊州北部担任职员会计,然后转到伊利诺伊州中部的一家地区会计师事务所. There she moved through the ranks to senior manager, specializing in local governments, non-profits and small business.

Laurie’s wealth of experience includes representing clients with IRS, 销售税, and unemployment audits; assisting clients with the sale of their businesses; and consulting with small businesses and individuals with their business accounting and 税 needs.

Laurie是美国注册会计师协会的成员, 田纳西州注册会计师协会和田纳西州政府财务官员协会.

作为最近移植到田纳西州中部,劳里于2021年6月加入BCPAG. She and her husband, Tim, have been married for 30 years. 他们有两个上大学的儿子,卡莱布和埃文,还有两只澳大利亚牧羊犬,杰克和杰里科. 在她的空闲时间,劳里喜欢旅行和寻找古董便宜货.  

Dawayne Lusk, CPA

(615) 546-6486

Kaitom Matthews

会计 Solutions 团队 Leader

在2017年加入Blankenship团队之前,Kaitom曾在纳什维尔的一家公共会计师事务所工作,主要专注于会计服务, with additional experience in 税. 在她目前的职位上,Kaitom花时间监督内部公司ASG流程,主要与娱乐和服务行业的中小型企业客户合作. 她持有中田纳西州立大学(Middle Tennessee State University)的工商管理学士学位(会计学)和会计硕士学位. Kaitom and her husband met at MTSU and married in 2016. They love watching their children grow, spending time outdoors, watching sports and being involved with their church.

Drake Richardson

审计 Associate
(615) 546-6494

Drake Richardson joined Blankenship as an intern in January 2023, and transitioned to an 审计 Associate in May 2023. 他将于2023年8月在MTSU获得学士学位,然后攻读会计硕士学位. He is from Henderson, TN. His hobbies include watching and attending sporting events, especially anything TN Vols related and the Cardinals, 打高尔夫球, and traveling the country.  He looks forward to continuous learning and serving others.


Administrative Associate
(615) 546-6500

Vickie is a native “West” Nashvillian. She has lived in the Mount 朱丽叶 area for over 22 years.  

Vickie has an associate degree in accounting. Her first accounting job was at Deloitte-Hermitage.  As a team leader, 她协助实施SAP的固定资产项目,并提供全公司范围的培训.  After 13 years, she left for more work-life balance.  她做过各种兼职工作,包括监督她的教会MDO项目, a car repair shop, 还有沙龙. She entered back into the corporate world working for Loews, 沙姆•史密斯, Ragan Smith and Cracker Barrell. Vickie is an avid Excel user and loves all things spreadsheets.  

Vickie为她的女儿和女婿感到骄傲,她的女儿是一名教师,她的女婿在军队服役.  Her hobbies include DIY projects and crafting, 她最喜欢的消遣是依偎在沙发上和她的两只狗一起看体育比赛. She loves the Predators and bleeds Orange!

Tyler Trout, CPA

(615) 546-6494


(615) 546-6494



(615) 373-3771


审计 Associatae

(615) 373-3771

约西亚·克罗克最初于2022年夏天作为实习生加入Blankenship CPA Group. 他于2023年12月毕业于中田纳西州立大学,获得会计和西班牙语两个本科学位. 经过8年多的学习,他现在能用流利的西班牙语进行会话. Josiah于2024年初回到Blankenship注册会计师集团担任审计助理,同时学习通过统一的注册会计师考试. 他很高兴能在手机赌博软件下载排行会计师事务所工作,并期待为客户提供最优质的服务. Outside of the office, you can usually find Josiah with his family. He is the youngest of 4 siblings, and they often spend time hiking, 游泳, or watching movies together.

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We take care of your books for you, 这样你就可以继续经营你的企业,创造利润.
我们提供一对一的指导和全面的财务计划,帮助管理风险, improve performance, and ensure the growth and longevity of your wealth.


© Blankenship CPA Group, PLLC 2024